Congratulations Aging Our Way, PA! (Feb. 2024)

On February 20, Pennsylvania released their draft MPA – Aging Our Way, PA, for public comment. The plan is a 10-year roadmap aimed at addressing the needs of older adults in the state and improving services for the rapidly growing aging population.

In May, 2023, Governor Shapiro signed an Executive Order that called for Pennsylvania to create an MPA that outlines priorities, strategies, and tactics to promote health, well-being and quality of life for all Pennsylvanians as they age. Since the Executive Order was signed, the Pennsylvania Department of Aging has worked to establish priorities that transform the aging services system in the state.  Pennsylvania’s Aging Network, including 52 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and associated Senior Community Centers, has further led community engagement efforts through numerous listening sessions, allowing stakeholders  to provide insights that define the ideal aging experience.

Through these efforts, 8 MPA domains were developed: respect and social inclusion, housing, transportation, outdoor spaces and buildings, communication and information, social participation, civic participation and employment, as well as health and community supports. By addressing these domains through accompanying tactics and approaches, the MPA is also designed to respond to changing needs, shifting priorities and available resources.

The plan will be open for public comment from February 20 – March 20, 2024. Read more here. 

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