West Health Issue Brief Highlights Executive Orders and Legislation for MPAs

AARP Launches 2023 LTSS State Scorecard Featuring new MPA measure
On Sept. 28, AARP launched the 2023 Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Scorecard, which compares state LTSS systems across multiple dimensions of performance, reflecting the importance and interconnectedness of each element. States are ranked and tiered according to their performance, providing a comprehensive overview of what’s working and what’s not. This year, the scorecard features a new category: Community Integration. This measures whether consumers have access to safe and affordable housing, and whether communities are “age friendly” and supported by a Multisector Plan for Aging. For the first time, states could also earn innovation points for having or fostering the development of an MPA. To learn more about the scorecard, view AARP’s 2023 report. The scorecard is supported by the AARP Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund, the John A. Hartford Foundation, and the SCAN Foundation.
Upcoming Events
Tune into the third episode of “Future Proof” on Nov. 7 from 1-2pm ET. Hosted by the American Society on Aging, “Future Proof” is an innovation-focused webcast that features engaging and enlightening conversations with changemakers in aging. During this webinar, you’ll learn more about how states can integrate and strengthen support for family caregivers to ensure their MPAs reflect the voices, experiences and recommendations of these vital pillars of long-term services and supports systems.
Contact us
For questions, comments, or suggestions related to MPAs or the newsletter, please contact us at MPA@westhealth.org