Developing Local Multisector Plans for Aging in Rural Areas
The “Toolkit for Developing Local Multisector Plans for Aging in Rural Areas,” developed in partnership with UC Davis, is designed to support rural community leaders anywhere, whether in plains, deserts, or mountain regions.
MPA Promo Toolkit
Use this MPA promotional toolkit to perform outreach. The toolkit includes sample copy for email newsletters and social media posts.
MPA Communications Toolkit
This toolkit was designed by West Health and other MPA partners to provide branding materials such as PowerPoint templates, fonts, and logos for the MPA movement.
Involving Family Caregivers to Shape Multisector Plans for Aging
This tool describes strategies states could use to engage family caregivers to shape and implement an MPA.
Getting Started with a Multisector Plan for Aging

Learn what are the eight essential building blocks for getting started with an MPA.