Multisector Plan for Aging

New Resources and MPA Map (October, 2024)

New Report and Updated MPA Map

A new report by the Center for Health Care Strategies, in partnership with West Health, The SCAN Foundation, and the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust, highlights key findings from a nationwide survey on state efforts to promote multisector plans for aging. Based on results from the survey, the map below has been updated to reflect that three-fourths of states are engaged in MPA planning/development. The report can inform MPA policy and planning initiatives across the country at the local, state, and federal levels. Read the full report here. 

ASA Blog on National Plan on Aging Community Engagement

A new blog written by the Community Engagement Collaborative (West Health, The SCAN Foundation, John A Hartford Foundation) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL) highlights various community engagement activities to inform the National Plan on Aging. This includes four listening sessions that the federal government hosted across the country this past summer, which provided older adults, especially those with the greatest social and economic need, the opportunity to provide input and feedback on the strategic framework of the plan. Other activities include stakeholder interviews, conference presentations, input surveys, and a nationally representative Gallup survey. Read the blog post here. 

West Health – Gallup Poll on the National Plan on Aging

To support ACL’s efforts to inform a National Plan on Aging, West Health recently commissioned a national poll with Gallup. The poll reveals insights into what Americans perceive is needed in their communities to help support them as they age. The survey finds that housing, healthcare, and social services top the list of community needs as the U.S. population ages. Specific findings include: 

  • Sixty-five percent of Americans perceive a need for more affordable housing and 60% say there is a need for more affordable healthcare and social supports and services.
  • One in five adults perceive a “major need” for more mental health services (22%), which just 16% say they find “very easy” to access in their communities. 
  • Nearly a third of respondents (32%) say it is very easy to access physical healthcare, and only 16% say more is a major need in their communities

Read more about the survey here.

North Carolina Published their MPA: All Ages, All Stages NC

Last week, North Carolina published their MPA: All Ages, All Stages NC. The plan was developed by the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) in response to the state’s massive demographic shift. MPA development in North Carolina was sparked by Executive Order 280, signed by Governor Roy Cooper on May 2, 2023. The 2024-2026 MPA goals include Supporting Older Adults and Their Families, Strengthening Communities for a Lifetime, Optimizing Health and Wellbeing, and Affording Aging. These goals are governed by priorities such as home and community based services, family caregiver support, housing, Adult Protective Services, age-friendly state and communities, long-term services and supports, workforce, and recognizing potential of all older adults. Read the full plan here

Upcoming Events

2024 Age-Friendly Ecosystem Summit: Oct. 8, 1-3 PM ET (virtual) 
Tune in on October 8th to the Age-Friendly Ecosystem Summit Event – Shaping Tomorrow: Unlocking the Potential of Longevity, Age-Friendly, and Multisector Planning. During the event, you can hear from ACL about the National Plan on Aging, get an overview of federal and state action on MPAs, and learn more about North Carolina’s recently published plan. Register here. 

CA for All MPA Day of Action: Oct. 8, 8-4:30 PT
The 2024 MPA Day of Action brings together consumers, aging and disability leaders, and policymakers to elevate the current and future issues that impact older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers. Join us in highlighting our progress and renewing our shared commitment to the MPA, California’s 10-year blueprint for building a state for all ages and abilities. Register here

Grantmakers in Aging Annual Conference: Oct. 15-18, Detroit
If you are attending the annual GIA conference, be sure to tune into various sessions on MPAs. These sessions will allow you to get an overview of where states are at in the MPA development process and also learn more about the important role of funders in advancing these plans. Learn more here.

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