Multisector Plan for Aging

MPA Newsletter (July, 2024)

West Health recently authored a blog for the American Society on Aging’s Generations Now blog. The piece: Improving Behavioral Health of Older Adults Through Multisector Plans for Aging, focuses on how states are using their MPAs to address growing rates of behavioral health conditions, so that older adults today and in the future can age with dignity. Specifically, the blog highlights examples from several states who are working towards this by emphasizing behavioral health as part of their MPA goals, addressing the behavioral health workforce, and incorporating the voices of those with lived experience. Read the full blog here

IHI Brief: Advancing the Multisector Plan for Aging: Age-Friendly Health Care Package

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement recently published a new issue brief highlighting how states are using MPAs to ensure that health systems and providers are prepared to provide high-quality, age-responsive care for the growing population of older adults. The brief focuses on how MPAs provide an opportunity to better align state MPA efforts with a program for improved care of older adults — the AgeFriendly Health Care Package — that state leaders can offer as a key opportunity for health system participation in the state-led and -facilitated MPA. Additionally, it describes how states on the MPA journey can leverage the AgeFriendly Health Care Package to substantially improve care for older adults, those aging with a disability, and their family caregivers. Read the full brief here. 

IHI has also published two additional briefs on the Age-Friendly Health Care Package: Better Care for Older Adults across the Hospital: Age-Friendly Health Care Package and CHI Memorial: Age-Friendly Health Care Package.

Input Surveys for Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging – Now Available in Spanish! 

Don’t forget to submit your feedback on the Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging by September 15th! These surveys are now available in both English and Spanish. 

New Hampshire MPA RFP

The New Hampshire State Commission on Aging has posted an RFP seeking a consultant to take them through the first stages of MPA development – public engagement/feedback on the draft AgeWellNH Plan framework, mapping of existing statewide plans and initiatives as they may interact with a NH MPA, and facilitation of the MPA development team to advise on this work and utilize findings towards planning the next steps of work. More information can be found here

Important Upcoming Dates

ASA On Aging 2025 Abstracts Due: Aug. 9

HCBS Conference: Aug. 18-22, Baltimore

Input on Strategic Framework Due: Sept. 15

CA Day of ActionOctober 8, Sacramento (virtual option available) 
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