Multisector Plan for Aging

MPA News and Resources (May, 2024)

New Issue Brief: Assessing The National Strategy
to Support Family Caregivers as a
Model to Inform Efforts to Advance
a National Plan on Aging

This issue brief and accompanying one-pager outlines the process by which the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE)
Family Caregivers Act was developed, implemented, and deployed to achieve the first iteration of the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. The brief showcases how the evolution of this process can inform similar efforts to advance a national plan on aging while building on existing efforts to drive multisector plans for aging across the United States. Read the full brief here and the accompanying one-pager. 

One-Pager: MPAs as a Vehicle to Promote Equity

On May 1st, the American Society on Aging hosted a Hill Day event in Washington D.C., focused on advocating for better and more equitable access to healthcare and obesity care treatments through meetings with various elected officials, staffers and committee support staff. During this event, a one-pager on how MPAs can serve as vehicles for promoting equity, health, dignity, and connection, was shared. Read the one-pager here to learn more about how MPAs are being used to make strides in this important area.

DC Area Listening Session Informs Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging 

Earlier this month, the Administration for Community Living hosted the first of several listening sessions aimed at gathering input from older adults to help inform the strategic framework for a national plan on aging. This listening session brought together stakeholders from several federal agencies, and participants were asked to share what health, community, and social supports they need to age independently and feel safe in their communities. From physically accessible spaces, affordable housing, reliable transportation, to healthy food options, this was the first in a series of listening sessions that will continue through the summer to help ensure that policy proposals are informed by people with the greatest economic and social need.

Upcoming Events 

Senate Hearing – The Older Americans Act: The Local Impact of the Law and Upcoming Reauthorization: 5/23 at 9:30 am EST

On May 23, the Senate Special Committee on Aging will hold a hearing on the upcoming reauthorization of the Older Americans Act. Tune in virtually, or attend the hearing in person in SD-106. For more information, click here.

On Aging 2024 Rewind Broadcast: 5/23 at 12 pm EST

ASA is releasing a series of videos from the On Aging 2024 keynote sessions. Tune in on 5/23 to hear more about what was shared during the MPA closing keynote: Building a National Movement for All Americans to Age with Health, Dignity and connection. Check out ASA’s social channels for the link.

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