Multisector Plan for Aging

MPA & PACE brief, MD EO, New FAQ, ASA On Aging (Feb. 2024)

New PACE and MPA issue brief

West Health and the National PACE Association (NPA) recently published an issue brief highlighting how PACE organizations and MPA leaders can work together to improve care for older adults. The brief includes detailed appendices for states that have both PACE and MPA activity, in order to showcase relevant resources and contact information within the state. Read the full brief here

ICYMI – Maryland Executive Order for MPA

On January 3, 2024, Maryland Governor Wes Moore signed an Executive Order establishing the Longevity Ready Maryland Initiative. The Executive Order directs the Maryland Department of Aging to prioritize the well-being of older people, people living with disabilities, and caregivers across all of state government, proactively addressing the needs arising from a growing older adult population.

The plan will coordinate and build upon existing efforts across state agencies, private and philanthropic sectors, and other stakeholders to tackle challenges throughout the lifespan, including access to employment opportunities, a robust care workforce, adequate caregiver support, and equitable health care. The Longevity Ready Maryland plan will take a whole-of-life approach and will be published in mid-2025. Read the Executive Order here

New FAQ guide on the MPA website

Do you have questions regarding MPAs? We recently developed a guide on our website featuring some of the most common questions and answers for MPA leaders, stakeholders, and interested parties. Review the FAQ on our website using the orange button at the top of this page.

Upcoming Events

MPA at On Aging, ASA’s Annual Conference: March 25-28, 2024
Register here 

This year, ASA’s annual conference is taking place in San Francisco, CA and there are several MPA-related sessions that you won’t want to miss. These include a session on how to hit the ground running with developing an MPA after receiving an Executive Order and a session on Area Agencies on Aging as key partners in MPA development. Plan to stay for the MPA keynote session on March 28th during the closing session. We hope to see you there!

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